Setting up the parameter file ============================= .. note:: You can find a ready-to-use parameter file named :: in the tutorial directory. The file is in the Python format and contains the following content: .. code-block:: python protocol = 'refine' SA_schedule = [ (100000, 10000), (30000, 10000), (20000, 10000), (10000, 10000) ] traj_frame_period = 1 print_frame_period = traj_frame_period print_log_scores_to_files = True print_log_scores_to_files_frame_period = 10 print_total_score_to_files = True print_total_score_to_files_frame_period = 10 struct_resolutions = [0,10] missing_resolution = 0 add_rbs_from_pdbs = False connectivity_restraint_weight = 1. conn_first_copy_only = False rb_max_rot = 0.0174533 rb_max_trans = 1 add_symmetry_constraints = True add_symmetry_restraints = True add_xlink_restraints = True x_xlink_score_type = 'LogHarmonic' x_min_ld_score = 25 x_weight = 5000.0 x_xlink_distance = 15 ev_restraints = [ { 'name': 'ev_restraints_lowres', 'weight': 10, 'repr_resolution': 10 } ] scoring_functions = { 'score_func_lowres': { 'restraints': [ 'xlink_restraints', 'conn_restraints', 'ev_restraints_lowres', 'FitRestraint', 'sym_restraints' ] } } score_func = 'score_func_lowres' ntasks = 1 cluster_submission_command = 'sbatch' from string import Template run_script_templ = Template("""#!/bin/bash # #SBATCH --ntasks=1 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=$ntasks #SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=2000 #SBATCH --job-name=${prefix}fit #SBATCH --time=00:30:00 #SBATCH -e $outdir/logs/${prefix}_err.txt #SBATCH -o $outdir/logs/${prefix}_out.txt echo "Running on:" srun hostname $cmd wait """) To generate this file yourself from scratch: #. Download the template parameter file (````) from: #. Open the file in an editor to adjust the parameters