Analyze fits ============ Check if run correctly ---------------------- If everything run correctly, the fits directory should contain the following structure: :: fits/ search100000_metric_cam_inside0.6/ emd_4151_binned.mrc/ Elp1.CTD.on5cqs.5cqr.model_ElNemo_mode7.pdb/ Rplots.pdf emd_4151_binned.mrc histogram.png log_err.txt log_out.txt ori_pdb.pdb solutions.csv solutions_pvalues.csv Elp1_NTD_1st_propeller.pdb/ Rplots.pdf emd_4151_binned.mrc histogram.png log_err.txt log_out.txt ori_pdb.pdb solutions.csv solutions_pvalues.csv ... and so on .. warning:: The **solutions_pvalues.csv** files contain the fit libraries and must be present for the next step to run.